Found scandata at /var/tmp/autoclean/derive/waterrequirement537beck/waterrequirement537beck_scandata.xml. Will skip page 1 because it's a cover page. Will skip page 48 because it's a cover page. Seeking title page... Will skip the following pages as requested: 1,48 Title: "water requirements of cotton on sandy loam soils in southern san joaquin valley" Candidate pages: p. 2 132 total px 126.7 adj total p. 3 649 total px 610.1 adj total Word details for selected page: water 63 px requirements 77 px cotton 61 px sandy 63 px loam 62 px soils 62 px southern 62 px san 61 px joaquin 75 px valley 63 px Selected title page: 3 Identified leaf 3 as title page. Marking leaf 3 as 'Title'. Scandata has been modified. Saving log...